Cloudy, wet very early AM then partly cloudy, drying out update for West Rockville Maryland for Wednesday, August 22, 2018
After Tuesday’s day of heavy rains that dragged into the first few minutes of very early Wednesday (0.14″) , we started to dry out though clouds hung around for a good part of the day at times with even some scattered light showers reported in the region but nothing more recorded here. High temperatures reached the low 80s under partly cloudy skies, with lows in the upper 60s in the early AM then reached again in the late evening right around observation time. The Wednesday maximum temperature was 81.4° @ 1543, while the Wednesday minimum temperature was 68.4° @ 2359. The dew point temperatures started to lower later in the day, ranging from a high of 72° @ 1024 down to a low of 59° @ 2214. The barometric pressure lowered from Tuesday’s values – the lowest value being 29.78″ @ 0551 up to a high of 29.94″@ 2358. The relative humidity lowered later in the day from Tuesday’s values, ranging from a high of 98% @ 0620 down to a low of 61% at 1516.
Remember now you can get the VP2 data on Weatherlink. You can access the data through http://www.weatherlink.com/user/walrusman444 I am posting daily to weather underground. My ID is KMDROCKV200 and my station is called “Gardens of Traville.” Data is online, normally just about in real-time. The web address for my data on weather underground is: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KMDrockv200#history/ I contribute daily to cocorahs as Rockville 2.8 WNW, Station ID MD-MG-115 on https://www.cocorahs.org/ Please remember that Weather Underground precipitation data reflects what is recorded automatically through the tipping bucket VP2 gauge. I actually use the data I post to cocorahs from my 4″ cocorahs gauge I read manually as my “official” precipitation total each day.
I gathered a lot of rainfall data from around the region, and found that my total (3.92″) was third highest in the region, only being topped by Fairfax VA (4.21″) and Andrews AFB (4.06″). I worked on my July monthly summary after finishing up the daily data entry on Monday.
Wednesday was partly cloudy, gradually less humid with highs in the low 80s and lows in the upper 60s in the early AM and then again in the late evening. Overnight temps cooled into the low 60s with dew points slipping down into the upper 50s. Sun should dominate the rest of the workweek, with highs in the upper 70s to lower 80s and lows in the upper 50s or lower 60s. The weekend looks partly to mostly sunny and warm, with temps rising into the upper mid 80s by Sunday, lows in the mid-upper 60s. Monday should top the 90° mark for highs to start off the last week of August with a string of 90s maxs and lows in the low-mid 70s, with dew points raising into the muggy 70s once again.
At 0844, Channel 4 radar is clear in the 4 state region, with the closest precipitation in an area of rain and storms out in the Great Plains of Kansas and Nebraska, not moving all this way anytime soon.
At 0844, the data from the VP2 (coming from the ground radiation shield about 4 feet off the ground just under and out from the balcony) and the Lakewood WX Bug station are as follows:
Sunny skies, comfortable temps in the low 60s with dew points in the mid 50s – drying out from yesterday’s deluge.
Station Relative Location Temp RH DP BP Wind High/Low temp on Wednesday
VP2 Ground 64.9° 76% 57° 30.08″R NA 81.4°/68.4°
The total precipitation in the cocorahs gauge was 0.14″ through midnight Wednesday.
The VP2 tipping bucket recorded 0.18″ on Wednesday.
Wednesday’s precipitation was 0.14″
August precipitation total is now 7.53″
Year-to-date precipitation total is now 37.94″
WX Bug Lakewood 4500 ft, 65° 77% 56° 30.06″R W 2 G W 9
140° from station Wed. Hi/Lo 83°/68°
The Lakewood rain gauge recorded 0.01″ of rain on Wednesday. The August total precipitation now has an updated total of 4.23″ with the 2018 year-to-date (YTD) amount also updated to 49.40″. I definitely continue to believe that at times the disparities between the Lakewood WX Bug station precipitation amount total for the month and year and my cocorahs gauge based data is that the Lakewood precip values are estimated/adjusted from radar.
At 2400 obs Wednesday night the temperature from the VP2 was 68.4° RH 74% BP 29.94″R DP 59.8°
Clear, becoming pleasant with dropping temps and dew points.
Good morning from the sunny, pleasant, dry home of the Walrus on this Wednesday.