Friday was partly cloudy with cooler max temps (low 80s) than Thursday with lows also a bit lower (mid 50s), reached at normal times during the calendar day. The winds were relatively light from the SW direction. Barometric pressures rose even more in the AM up to 30.55″, so far the highest in May so far. Values started to fall off in the PM hours and will probably continue to drop in the foreseeable future as the HIGH pressure ridge continues to move further offshore and LOW pressure moves into the area from the SW on Monday.
Saturday and Sunday look to be warm to hot under partly sunny skies with max temps of 85 on Saturday and around 90 on Sunday before cooler temps (around 70) with showers falling on Monday. Lows look to be in the mid 60s over the weekend before lowering back into the upper 50s with the rain and clouds on Monday. Heat looks to be returning the rest of the week, with highs pushing over 90 under partly to mostly sunny skies with lows in the 60s.
Statistics for Friday:
High temp 82.4 at 1656
Low temp 55.0 at 0609
Max humidity 85% at 0600
Min humidity 38$ at 1508
Max dew point 57 at 1322
Min dew point 49 at 0000
Max barometric pressure 30.55″ at 1010
Low barometric pressure 30.42″ at 2351
Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 15 MPH from the SW at 1436
Friday’s average daily wind speed 2.4 (BWI) 3.8 (IAD)
Friday’s average sky cover 0.3 (BWI) 0.2 (IAD)
Total precipitation 0.00″
Monthly May total precipitation 0.94″
Year-to-date total precipitation 11.84″
Sunrise 0550 (EDT)
Sunset 2021 (EDT)
Moon Waxing Gibbous
Currently at 0520 AM EDT Saturday fair skies with a temperature of 59.5, barometer 30.34″ and falling, relative humidity 83%, dew point 54 , winds W-NW at less than 5 MPH. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image was one taken around sunset a bit over a week ago (last Sunday evening) looking west past my cocorahs 4-inch rain gauge through the generally cloudy, dry skies at the time showing a green groundcover.