Sunday was partly cloudy and a bit milder by afternoon after one more cool early AM with lows in the low 40s rising into the lower 60s by mid afternoon. Winds calmed down a bit more from yesterday, and by midnight were quite light.
Partly Cloudy, milder, dry conditions should persist through Tuesday with highs moving from the 50s into the low 70s by Tuesday with lows in climbing through the 40s.
Cooling showers and possible thundershowers should visit us on Wednesday, with highs cooling back down into the 60s, then cool 50s and 30s on Thursday. Friday will moderate some on Friday before cooling showers return once again on Saturday. with some warmup towards the following weekend.
Statistics for Sunday:
High temp 63.7 at 1459
Low temp 42.4 at 0506
Max humidity 83% at 0507
Min humidity 40% at 1555
Max dew point 45 at 2124
Min dew point 37 at 0505
Max baro pressure 29.95″ at 0408
Low baro pressure 29.87″ at 1549
Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 21 MPH from the NW at 1409
Today’s average daily wind speed 4.1 (BWI) 4.4 (IAD)
Today’s average sky cover 0.5 (BWI) 0.7 (IAD)
Total daily precipitation 0.00″
Monthly total precipitation still stands at 1.32″
Sunrise 0626 (EDT)
Sunset 1949 (EDT)
Moon First Quarter
Currently at 0600 AM EDT Monday mostly cloudy skies with the temperature at 49.2, barometer 29.87″ and falling, relative humidity 85% , dew point 45, winds calm. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image is another recent post-sunset picture near my apartment looking west past the cocorahs rain gauge