Saturday was partly to mostly cloudy and cool once again with early AM lows around 40 rising up into the upper 50s in the mid-late afternoon. Winds calmed down from yesterday, but did continue at a moderate clip out of the NW most of the day.
Partly Cloudy, cool, dry conditions should persist through Tuesday with highs into the 60s over this weekend with lows in the low 40s, rising into the low 70s and low 50s on Tuesday. Cooling showers should visit us on Wednesday, nothing really heavy as it looks now then cooling down close to the freezing mark Thursday morning after the rain clears with some warmup towards the following weekend.
Statistics for Saturday:
High temp 58.4 at 1636
Low temp 40.6 at 0643
Max humidity 88% at 0732
Min humidity 53% at 1640
Max dew point 43 at 1252
Min dew point 36 at 0014
Max baro pressure 29.90″ at 2354
Low baro pressure 29.81″ at 0233
Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 24 MPH from the NW at 1601
Today’s average daily wind speed 5.2 (BWI) 6.6 (IAD)
Today’s average sky cover 0.5 (BWI) 0.6 (IAD)
Total daily precipitation 0.00″
Monthly total precipitation total now stands at 1.32″
Sunrise 0627 (EDT)
Sunset 1948 (EDT)
Currently at 0628 AM EDT Saturday clear skies with the temperature at 43.2, barometer 29.91″ and rising, relative humidity 81% , dew point 38, winds 5-10 from the NW. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image is a recent pre-sunset image looking west past the rain gauge