May 2020 was cooler and drier than normal. My maximum temperature average (69.9°) was 3.9° below normal but my minimum temperature average (53.1°) was still a bit above normal (+1.3°), resulting in the mean temperature average of 61.5° to be 1.3° below normal. My total precipitation of 2.22″ was 2 05” below the normal May value for my station of 4.27”. There were 11 days with measurable precipitation, distributed sparingly but fairly evenly throughout the month but with the maximum amounts in the beginning and towards the end of the month (notable dry spell between May 9 and 21) . There were two somewhat wet periods (1.35” from May 1-8 and 0.69” on the 22nd-23rd) with the greatest daily amount of 0.43” falling on the 22nd. Those two periods (2.04”) accounted for about 92% of the monthly precipitation total.
There was one chilly period during the month from the 5th-12th, highlighted by the coolest max temp day on the 9th (48°). Three days with minimum temperatures in the 30s occurred between the 9th and the 13th with the coolest value reached on the 10th (33.5°). Seven days on or after the 15th featured the only days with maximum values in the 80s, highlighted by the highest reading of the month of 86.0° on the 15th.
There were no severe weather periods during the month. The windiest period was between the 7th and 12th when the average daily PWG was 35 MPH, topped off by the monthly max value of 43 MPH on the chilliest day of the month on the 9th. There was a total of 8 days with a PWG of 30 MPH or greater, while the average monthly daily PWG was 25. There was a predominant easterly PWG direction to the wind between the 17th-27th, all other days had mostly a mostly westerly component,
The highest dew point temperature reached during the month was 75° on the 28th and 29th during the warmest period of the month.. Nine of the 13 total days during the month had 60° max daily dew points occurring on or after May 22. The lowest dew point temperature value was reached on that chilly day on the 9th with a 21° reading, My lowest relative humidity percentage value of the month (27%) was reached on the 13th.
May had 7 cloudy days, 19 partly cloudy days, and only 5 clear/sunny days. There were 181 heating degree days and 72 cooling degree days during the month. There were only 4 foggy days, 8 windy days, and amazingly no days with thunder.
My maximum temperature frequencies included 7 days between 80° and 89°, 9 days between 70° and 79°, 10 days between 60° and 69°, 4 days between 50° and 59°, and one in the 40s. On the minimum temperature frequency side of things, there was 3 days in the 30s, 9 days between 40° and 49°, 10 days between 50° and 59°, 8 days between 60° and 69°, and one day at 70°, The coldest daily maximum temperature day was 47.8° on the 9th while the warmest daily minimum temperature day of 69.7° was reached on the 29th.
The diurnal range daily monthly average was 16.7° (- 5.3°). Our greatest daily range of temperature was 30.2° on the 13th (69.1°- 38.9°). We had a total of only 8 days with daily ranges above 20°. Our lowest range of temperature was 7.7° on the cloudy 17th (66.7°- 59.0°). This marked the start of a cool, cloudy easterly flow off the Atlantic Ocean period. There was only one other day (the 6th) with a diurnal temperature range of less than 10° during the month.
May 9th featured some scattered snow flurries in the colder areas of the region but there was no snow observed at my immediate location and none recorded during the entire month. The 2019-2020 winter season wound up virtually snowless My meager seasonal snowfall of 3.0” was quite depressing and probably about 15% of normal. There never was any real ice formation on local ponds.
On my computer/hardware weather station front, no new updates save for the computer conversion to my new CPU that is in the immediate works, in the next few days. My tipping bucket is currently clogged once again and I am relying on the tipping bucket data from the USG station across the street to give me a good indication on how much storm event rainfall I have received plus immediate rainfall rates as it is occurring before I get my final amount from my daily CoCoRaHS rain gauge reading. I am still actively sheltering in place these days as I am sure you all are doing also when necessary. I did have my first Dr appointment in several months on Wednesday for an A1C check and my annual eye exam.
Average high temperature 69.9° (- 3.9°)
Average low temperature 53.1° (+ 1.3°)
Mean temperature 61.5° (- 1.3°)
Precipitation 2.22″ (- 2.05“)
Greatest daily amount (date) 0.43″ (22)
Greatest storm total (dates) 0.97” (3-6)
2020 year-to-date precipitation total 17.91″ (+ 1.19”)
Total monthly snowfall 0.0”
Seasonal snowfall 3.0”
High temperature for the month (date) 86.0° (15)
Low temperature for the month (date) 33.5° (10)
Highest barometric pressure (date) 30.34” (21)
Lowest barometric pressure (date) 29.58” (8)
Peak wind gust (date/direction): 43 NW (9)
(USG data across the street)
Heating degree days for the month: 181
Cooling degree days for the month: 72
Greatest diurnal range (date): 30.2° (13)
Least diurnal range (date) 7.7° (17)
Number of days:
Fog 3
Windy 9 (PWG => 30 MPH)
Snow 0
Thunder 0
Cloudy 7
Partly Cloudy 19
Sunny/Clear 5
Max temp ≥ 80° 7
Min temp <= 32° 0
Precip ≥ 0.01” 11