Preliminary brief January 2020 Climate Highlights for West Rockville Maryland
Temperatures were generally mild, particularly with minimum values during the month. Precipitation was about normal, snowfall well below normal unfortunately.
Brief January 2020 precipitation summary for my West Rockville MD cocorahs station MD-MG-115 included 3.02″ of liquid precipitation and 1.6″ of snow . 12 days of generally small amounts of measurable precipitation occurred during the month. My wettest day was 1.37″ on Jan 25 and my only measurable snowfall was 1.6″ of snow that fell early on Jan 7. Today’s featured image is from this snow event on that day.
The coldest temperature reading was 19.5° on the morning of Jan 21 while the warmest temperature reading was 69.6° on Jan 11.
The greatest peak wind gust during January was 46 MPH from the NW on Jan 19. Greater details will be forthcoming in the near future on February events.