Brief update for my West Rockville MD station through Tuesday, September 18, 2018
My apologies for not pasting a daily blog report from my station since Tuesday, September 11. I have had problems with my VP2 and it has been down more than up over the past week. My friend Marty came over on Tuesday and got my VP2 station problems solved for the most part. The station data is running fine as of early Tuesday afternoon. Marty put in a new circuit board, and fixed the reed switch to enable the VP2 rain gauge to start working again. But it is not to be relied on, I am still seeing irregularities with that particular data set. I use my cocorahs 4 inch rain gauge for my official daily readings anyway. I do like using the VP2 gauge for rain rates and precipitation timing – when the rain starts and stops, and also when the rain falls with greatest intensity.
I had 0.02″ of rain early Tuesday morning, the last of the remnant precipitation from tropical system FLORENCE. On Monday I had some general light rain, moderate but steady winds, and very cloudy, stormy skies for round 1 of FLORENCE’S visit to my area. A total of 0.34″ of rain fell on Monday. Temperatures over the past week have remained steady, highs in the mid 70s to low 80s and lows in the upper 60s to mid 70s. Dew point temperatures were close to the air temperatures most all time. Highlight of precipitation for the period from Sept 12 through Sep 18 was 1.49″ in a one hour early evening thunderstorm on Wednesday, September 12. Total precipitation for this one week period was 1.89″. September monthly precipitation is now totalling 6.67″ and my year-to-date precipitation is now at 44.75″. After spending most of the past week in the clouds and periods of rain, the sun did come out Tuesday afternoon. Please see image below (looking NNE from my balcony) and also as today’s feature file (looking N from my balcony)
I will post the rest of my backlogged daily reports for the missing days in the coming days as time allows along with new reports. Any questions/comments please let me know. Kevin
One thought on “Brief update for my West Rockville MD station through Tuesday, September 18, 2018”
You said brief, Kevin? Just kidding. We done as ever. Henryk