A quick sunny/clear update for West Rockville MD for early morning Thursday, May 10, 2018
I have been catching up on a lot of projects since Robin and Gideon left Sunday afternoon and have not posted any weather updates since then. I will catch up in the next few days. I have been cleaning up and also working on a project that I just finished a few minutes ago (not directly weather related actually), among many other activities . I have had a week so far that has been mostly sunny/clear with seasonable temperatures in the 70s and 50s. That pattern should change on Thursday as a frontal system moves in our direction and kicks off some needed rain and possibly some severe weather (thunderstorms with heavy rain and some wind).
Remember now you can get the VP2 data on Weatherlink. You can access the data through http://www.weatherlink.com/user/walrusman444
I am posting daily to weather underground. My ID is KMDROCKV200 and my station is called “Gardens of Traville.” Data is online, normally just about in real-time. The web address for my data on weather underground is: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KMDrockv200#history/ I contribute daily to cocorahs as Rockville 2.8 WNW, Station ID MD-MG-115 on https://www.cocorahs.org/ Please remember that Weather Underground does not report snow data, and reflects what is recorded automatically through the tipping bucket VP2 gauge. I use the data I post to cocorahs as my “official” precipitation total each day.
As of 0436 Thursday, the data from the VP2 (coming from the ground radiation shield about 4 feet off the ground just under and out from the balcony) and the Lakewood WX Bug station are as follows:
Clear, dry and mild – but later today we have an 80 POP for PM Thunderstorms…
Station Relative Location Temp RH DP BP Wind High/Low temp
VP2 Ground 58.8° 85% 54° 30.02″F NA 73.6°/53.7° (Mon)
75.1°/55.7° (Tue)
77.3°/53.0° (Wed)
The total precipitation in the cocorahs gauge was 0.00″ from midnight Sunday through midnight Wednesday. The VP2 tipping bucket rain gauge under my balcony recorded 0.00″ through the period – it may still be clogged.
Monday’s precipitation was 0.00″
Tuesday’s precipitation was 0.00″
Wednesday’s precipitation was 0.00″
May precipitation is now 0.11″
Year-to-date precipitation total is 11.85″
WX Bug Lakewood 4500 ft, 58° 80% 52° 30.04″F S 2 G SSE 6
140° from station
The Lakewood rain gauge has reported 0.00″ of precipitation for Midnight Sunday through the current time. However, May is now showing 0.31″ for the month and there is a 2018 year-to-date (YTD) amount of 15.12″. I still believe at times the great disparity between the Lakewood WX Bug station precipitation amount total for the month and year and my cocorahs gauge based data is that the Lakewood precip values are estimated/adjusted from radar.
At 2400 obs Wednesday night the temperature from the VP2 was 63.5° RH 85% BP 30.07″F DP 51.5°
Clear, mild at 2400 Wednesday
Good night from the clear, mild home of the walrus very early morning on Thursday. Still catching up on things that went off to the side while daughter and grandson were visiting – would take that trade any and all the time if presented to me.. We had some fun and visited plenty but could have done more!
3 thoughts on “A quick sunny/clear update for West Rockville MD for early morning Thursday, May 10, 2018”
That’s a very pretty picture, Kevin. Is that in your appt complex?
Thanks Cathie. Indeed, it is a side view of my apartment building, and I was trying to show the leaf bud action a few days ago. Leaves are fully bud out now (most varieties that is) and the grass is a lush green that is growing fast! Going out to my rain gauge I have to get through a rapidly growing crop of dandelions, and thick tall grass in a common area that has not been cut for the first time this spring as yet. Thanks for your comment, they are very few and far between unfortunately as our blog here has been rather inactive, with no new members and some like Josh and John Markle up in Alaska not posting at all in recent weeks. I do see Josh’s cocorahs reports he makes every day, however. Have a nice day! Kevin
It is beautiful! I haven’t seen Josh post lately as well. Hope he’s OK. have you heard from Leon yet? I wonder how he’s doing.