Another wet update for West Rockville Maryland on Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Wednesday was cloudy with occasional rain (0.22″) AM fog, heavy briefly around 1030, and mild temps in the 50s to low 60s once again. The Wednesday maximum temperature was 62.6 @ 1530 while the Wednesday minimum temperature was 53.1 @ 0000. The dew point temperatures were relatively high and aligned closely with the air temperature, ranging from a low of 52 @ 0000 up to a high of 60 later @ 1429. The barometric pressure lowered more today, reaching its daily maximum value of 29.96″ at 0000 down to its low for the day of 29.70″ later @ 1830. Relative humidity values stayed high all day, peaking at 98% @ 1030 during our heavier fog period, then gradually lowering some to the daily low of 83% much later @ 2310.
Remember now you can get the VP2 data on Weatherlink. You can access the data through http://www.weatherlink.com/user/walrusman444
I am posting daily to weather underground. My ID is KMDROCKV200 and my station is called “Gardens of Traville.” Data is online, normally just about in real-time. The web address for my data on weather underground is: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KMDrockv200#history/ I contribute daily to cocorahs as Rockville 2.8 WNW, Station ID MD-MG-115 on https://www.cocorahs.org/ Please remember that Weather Underground does not report snow data, and reflects what is recorded automatically through the tipping bucket VP2 gauge. I use the data I post to cocorahs as my “official” precipitation total each day.
As promised I have posted at the end of this blogpost my station’s supplemental data values for the period April 20-23 that I have not posted before (during my temporary hiatus). If you need anything else, please contact me and let me know. Remember don’t be afraid to contact me by any means at any time if you are wondering what I am doing after missing my daily reports over a few days. I thank Marty and Henryk for acknowledging my absence and wondering about me. I do almost always post this report every day.
Wednesday remained cloudy and most of the rain for the day fell in the overnight hours in the early AM of the day (0.19″ of my 0.22″ total for the day). I noted heavy fog around 1000-1030 that didn’t last long, by noon visibilities had improved greatly, though remaining cloudy. Temps held in the low 50s for lows and low 60s for highs, quite similar to yesterday. By late night (overnight into Thursday) skies have cleared up with still mild mid-upper 40s temps at sunrise. Thursday should be mostly sunny with highs in the upper 60s and lows in the low 50s. Friday should be rainy once again (90 POP – particularly in the AM) with highs in the low 60s and lows in the upper 40s. Saturday and Sunday look to be partly (Sat) to mostly sunny (Sun), highs on Saturday around 70° and in the mid 50s on Sunday, lows both nights in the upper 30s. Monday should be sunny with highs in the mid 60s and lows in the mid 40s. Rumor has it that later in the week, coinciding with the beginning of May, our first May 80s heat wave will occur. I hope not but it is inevitable unfortunately.
On the Channel 4 radar at 0756 the 4 state region is clear. Closest precipitation are in two areas, one is a circulation of showers in southern Canada, upstate New York and Northern New England, moving away (moving northeast – our storm from Tuesday and Wednesday). The other area and of much greater interest to my area, is a storm in the Tennessee/Alabama/Mississippi region, moving E/NE and will be our Friday rain producer.
As of 0756 Thursday, the data from the VP2 (coming from the ground radiation shield about 4 feet off the ground just under and out from the balcony) and the Lakewood WX Bug station are as follows:
Mostly sunny (scattered high cirroform clouds), cool, drying out.
Station Relative Location Temp RH DP BP Wind High/Low temp Wednesday
VP2 Ground 49.2° 71% 40° 29.88″R NA 62.6/53.1
The total precipitation in the cocorahs gauge was 0.22″ through midnight Wednesday. My two-day storm total was 0.53″. The VP2 tipping bucket rain gauge under my balcony recorded 0.14″ through midnight Wednesday.
Wednesday’s precipitation was 0.22″
April precipitation 2.96″
April snowfall 0.0″ (will be reported till the end of April)
The seasonal snowfall total is 12.0″.
Year-to-date precipitation total is 11.13″
WX Bug Lakewood 4500 ft, 49 68 38 29.88″R WNW 3 G WSW 10
140° from station 62/52
The Lakewood rain gauge reported 0.23″ of precipitation on Wednesday. It is now reporting a total of 3.25″ of precipitation for April and a 2018 year-to-date (YTD) amount of 14.13″. I still believe at times the great disparity between the Lakewood WX Bug station precipitation amount total for the month and year and my cocorahs gauge based data is that Lakewood precip values are estimated/adjusted from radar.
At 2400 obs Wednesday night the temperature from the VP2 was 57.5 RH 84% BP 29.76″S DP 52.7
PCloudy, mild, starting to dry out at 2400
Supplemental data for my station from April 20 through April 23, 2018 (I hope the formatting comes out!!)
Day High temp Low temp Rel Hum High Rel Hum Low Baro Press High Baro Press Low Dew Pt High Dew Pt Low
20 57.1°(1747) 34.5°(0620) 67% (0602) 35% (1507) 30.42″(2353) 30.16″(0000) 31°(1547) 23°(0137)
Midnight obs data: Temp 47.6° Rel Hum 66% Baro Press 30.41″ R Dew Pt 28.5°
21 59.7°(1733) 37.3°(0701) 73% (0735) 31% (1852) 30.51″(0835) 30.36″(1636) 34°(2207) 27°(0520)
Midnight obs data: Temp 52.0° Rel Hum 51% Baro Press 30.39″ S Dew Pt 34.4°
22 65.3°(1340) 47.6°(0533) 71% (0653) 41% (1229) 30.43″(0827) 30.33″(1722) 45°(1629) 34°(0000)
Midnight obs data: Temp 54.4° Rel Hum 53% Baro Press 30.41″ R Dew Pt 37.7°
23 67.6°(1257) 47.8°(0521) 68% (0632) 35% (2142) 30.44″(0844) 30.34″(1656) 47°(1027) 29°(2158)
Midnight obs data: Temp 55.1° Rel Hum 43% Baro Press 30.36″ F Dew Pt 33.0°
No measurable precipitation fell during this 4 day period. Note the slow rise in temp and dew pt during this period.
Good morning from the sunny, drying out, cool home of the snowless walrus early on this Thursday