Wednesday was a bit cooler than Monday and Tuesday. The max temp only reached the mid 80s. Minimum temps were about the same as Monday and Tuesday and were
once again reached during the early morning hours helped by the persistent high dew points in the 70s. We had a mostly cloudy, warm, very humid day with a few afternoon sprinkles that only amounted to a trace.
The winds peaked at the same value today as they remained NW. Barometric pressures were once again rather muted, lowest in the early evening and highest
around midday, partially breaking the earlier in the week pattern.
Thursday looks cloudy and warm with highs in the mid 80s with good chances of showers/storms with lows around 70. MWS has posted a flash flood watch for the
second half of the day into Friday morning.
Friday will be cloudy and much cooler with highs in the upper 60s, lows around 60 with good chances for showers.
Partly cloudy and dry on Saturday with highs in the low 80s, lows in the low-mid 60s. Possibilities of showers and storms return on Sunday with rougly
similiar temps to Saturday.
Statistics for Wednesday:
High temp 83.8 at 1555
Low temp 73.4 at 0602
Max humidity 88% at 0408
Min humidity 70% at 1659
Max dew point 75 at 1356
Min dew point 70 at 0258
Max barometric pressure 30.08″ at 1206
Low barometric pressure 29.99″ at 1812
Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 18 MPH from the NW at 1621
Wednesday’s average daily wind speed 4.2 (BWI) 4.6 (IAD)
Wednesday’s average sky cover 0.8 (BWI) 0.8 (IAD)
Daily total precipitation T
June total precipitation 0.14″
Year-to-date total precipitation 13.34″
Sunrise 0543 (EDT)
Sunset 2034 (EDT)
Moon New Moon
Currently at 0451 AM EDT Thursday we have partly cloudy skies with a temperature of 70.7, barometer 29.97″ and falling, relative humidity 90%, dew point 68,
winds W-NW at less than 5 MPH. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image was one taken recently out at my cocorahs rain gauge looking west through damp cloudy skies around sunset. By the way cicadas are expected to persist in our area till the end of this month.