Wednesday was partly cloudy and hotter with max temps hitting 90 (rounded value) and lows also warmer (upper 60s), with the highs and lows reached at close to
their normal times during the 24 hour calendar day. A sunny morning gave way to a cloudier afternoon, with thunderstorms in the area, with lightning and thunder
observed, though distant. Only a trace of rain fell. The winds picked up from the SW but were not significant despite the nearby convective activity. Barometric
pressure slowly dropped off during the day.
Thursday was partly cloudy and dry with the max temps particularly cooler than Wednesday, reached at normal times during the calendar day. The winds remained
moderate but veered around to a more northwesterly direction. Barometric pressures did not vary much from yesterday.
Friday will be mostly cloudy, warm and humid with showers and storms developing in the afternoon with a chance at some being severe with max temps in the mid 80s
and lows in the mid 60s. Saturday and Sunday will be cloudy and much cooler with showers, highs coming down into the 50s and lows in the 40s. Memorial Day Monday
should dry out with partly cloudy skies and recover into the 70s temperature-wise, with lows in the 50s.
Statistics for Wednesday and Thursday:
Wed High temp 89.7 at 1556
Thu High temp 82.6 at 1555
Wed Low temp 67.9 at 0209
Thu Low temp 65.5 at 0638
Wed Max humidity 94% at 0404
Thu Max humidity 88% at 0642
Wed Min humidity 48% at 1540
Thu Min humidity 43% at 1407
Wed Max dew point 74 at 1201
Thu Max dew point 67 at 0002
Wed Min dew point 65 at 0021
Thu Min dew point 56 at 1407
Wed Max barometric pressure 30.16″ at 0002
Thu Max barometric pressure 30.06″ at 1044
Wed Low barometric pressure 29.90″ at 1928
Thu Low barometric pressure 29.96″ at 1853
Wed Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 22 MPH from the SW at 1608
Thu Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 23 MPH from the NW at 1322
Wednesday’s average daily wind speed 4.6 (BWI) 6.4 (IAD)
Thursday’s average daily wind speed 5.3 (BWI) 7.0 (IAD)
Wednesday’s average sky cover 0.7 (BWI) 0.6 (IAD)
Thursday’s average sky cover 0.6 (BWI) 0.5 (IAD
Wednesday total precipitation T
Thursday total precipitation 0.00″
Monthly May total precipitation 1.40″
Year-to-date total precipitation 12.30″
Sunrise 0547 (EDT) Wed
Sunrise 0547 (EDT) Thu
Sunset 2025 (EDT) Wed
Sunset 2026 (EDT) Thu
Moon Full Moon Wed
Moon Waning Gibbous Thu
Currently at 636 AM EDT Friday partly cloudy skies with a temperature of 64.8, barometer 29.98″ and steady, relative humidity 64%, dew point 52, winds E at 5-10 MPH. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image was one taken around sunset over a week ago (Sunday evening 5/16) looking west past my cocorahs 4-inch rain gauge through the generally
cloudy, dry skies.