Monday was cloudy and cooler with max temps in the upper 70s and lows also cooler (mid 50s), with the high reached at the very beginning of the day and the low temp reached virtually 24 hours later at the very end of the day. I had a AM min of 63.2 at 0825 and a PM max of 65.3 at 1245. The winds lightened up from the E that brought the rain (0.46″)in and helped to lower the temps into the 60s and 50s during most of the day. Barometric pressure started the day out low but
raised up considerably towards the end of the day.
Tuesday was partly cloudy and dry but with similar max and min temps as Monday, reached at more normal times during the calendar day. The winds remained relatively light but veered around to a more southerly direction. Barometric pressures started off high but fell off some towards the evening.
Wednesday will be hotter and more humid with clouds on the increase as the day progresses and showers and storms move in from the W (60 POP) with a chance at some being severe with max temps possibly hitting the low 90s and lows in the low 70s. Thursday should be partly cloudy and not as hot with highs in the 80s and lows in the 60s. Friday and Saturday look to be noticeably cooler with clouds and showers, highs coming down into the 70s and possibly 60s with lows in the 50s,
Statistics for Monday and Tuesday:
Mon High temp 78.2 at 0000
Tue High temp 76.6 at 1714
Mon Low temp 56.0 at 2359
Tue Low temp 55.4 at 0320
Mon Max humidity 95% at 2016
Tue Max humidity 95% at 0000
Mon Min humidity 65% at 0000
Tue Min humidity 68% at 1628
Mon Max dew point 67 at 0251
Tue Max dew point 67 at 1838
Mon Min dew point 55 at 2355
Tue Min dew point 54 at 0011
Mon Max barometric pressure 30.32″ at 2219
Tue Max barometric pressure 30.32″ at 0000
Mon Low barometric pressure 30.04″ at 0001
Tue Low barometric pressure 30.15″ at 1908
Mon Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 17 MPH from the E at 0319
Tue Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 17 MPH from the S at 1706
Monday’s average daily wind speed 10.0 (BWI) 7.0 (IAD)
Tuesday’s average daily wind speed 4.8 (BWI) 6.2 (IAD)
Monday’s average sky cover 1.0 (BWI) 1.0 (IAD)
Tuesday’s average sky cover 0.9 (BWI) 0.8 (IAD
Monday total precipitation 0.46″
Tuesday total precipitation 0.00″
Monthly May total precipitation 1.40″
Year-to-date total precipitation 12.30″
Sunrise 0548 (EDT) Mon
Sunrise 0548 (EDT) Tue
Sunset 2023 (EDT) Mon
Sunset 2024 (EDT) Tue
Moon Full Moon
Currently at 934 AM EDT Wednesday cloudy skies with a temperature of 71.4, barometer 30.10″ and steady, relative humidity 93%, dew point 69, winds SE around 5 MPH. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image was one taken around sunset a bit over a week ago (Sunday evening 5/16) looking west past my cocorahs 4-inch rain gauge through the generally cloudy, dry skies at the time showing a green groundcover.