Our wet, cool pattern continued through the last 10 days of April, highlighted by the rainstorm on the last day of the month. We had a total of 1.91 inches total of rainfall during this period, with 14.54 inches for the year through April 30. Once again we had no days with minimum temperatures at or below the freezing mark (Extreme low 36.6 degrees on the 22nd – but 7 additional days with minimums in the 40s). During this latest 10 day period the highest temperature reached was 73.6 degrees on the 29th, one of the only 2 sunny days during the period.
Daily precip, max/min temperature values, general sky condition, and Peak Wind Gust (PWG) for each day of the period include:
4/21 0.00 64.9 42.9 Sunny, windy – 51 NW
4/22 0.00 59.1 36.6 PCloudy, a bit cooler, still windy – 36 NW
4/23 0.53 57.5 44.2 Cloudy, PM rain – 14 SE
4/24 0.36 56.9 50.5 Cloudy, AM rain – 18 E
4/25 0.12 63.0 44.7 PCloudy, AM light rain – 16 E
4/26 0.49 55.1 47.0 Cloudy, cooler, light rain – 15 E
4/27 0.05 56.6 42.2 Cloudy, light rain AM, clearing PM – 31 NW
4/28 0.02 55.0 41.0 PCloudy, Light rain shower – 17 S
4/29 0.00 73.6 45.6 Sunny, warmer – 22 S
4/30 1.34 65.4 53.7 Cloudy, cooler, rain, moderate-heavy at times – 30 SE
There was precipitation on seven of the days of this period, highlighted by the deluge on the 30th brought on by yet another strong LOW pressure system from the W. Dew points remained low in the 30s/40s during most of the beginning-middle period, rising to higher levels in the 50s to 60 in the wet end. With the increase in daily rainfall, fire danger remained low.
My seasonal snowfall of only 3.0 inches of snow with no April accumulation is unfortunately complete. There was no close calls during this month-ending interval.
Despite the frequent daily rains, no severe weather was encountered in the period.
May weather has begun somewhat cool, with rains looking to continue. Tree blossoms have been slow to come out totally yet, and with much below temperatures predicted (Can you say “polar vortex” in May?) leaf-out will continue to proceed slowly.
The current temperature is 69 degrees at 1303 on May 3 with mostly cloudy skies and showers and possible storms ahead later today/tonight. The temperature should remain cool/below normal through most, if not all of days in early May with more rainy periods to follow also.
I took the attached image picture back on May 1, showing sunset at the rain gauge.