Partly cloudy, warmer Wednesday and partly to mostly cloudy, warmer, sprinkles mid-afternoon Thursday update for September 25 and 26, 2019 from West Rockville Maryland
I had a very busy Thursday which kept me from posting until now, so I have combined Wednesday’s and Thursday’s reports into this one, somewhat condensed report.
It was a partly sunny, warmer, still quite dry Wednesday. Low temps in the mid 50s in the early morning hours rose quickly into the low 80s by mid afternoon. Dew point temperatures were quite low all day, from the mid 50s in the morning down to the upper 40s by mid-afternoon and then back up into the mid 50s by midnight observation time.
The maximum temperature was 81.6 degrees at 1559.
The minimum temperature was 56.1 degrees at 0616
The dew point temperatures ranged from a high of 54 degrees @ 1040 down to a low of 48 degrees @ 1615.
The relative humidity values ranged from a high of 79% @ 0615 down to a low of 31% @ 1600.
The barometric pressure ranged from a high of 29.99 inches @ 1000 down to a low of 29.86 inches @ 1540.
There was no precipitation on Wednesday so the monthly total is still 0.42 inches. The year-to-date total is 38.08 inches. We are really getting quite dry around here with only small chances for rain through the end of September (next Monday).
It was a partly to mostly cloudy, warmer Thursday featuring a few sprinkles around 1400 that I personally observed while traveling back to my apartment at the time. Low temps in the low 60s in the early morning hours rose into the mid 80s by the early afternoon. Dew point temperatures rose some from yesterday’s low values, from the low 60s mid-day down to the mid 50s by mid-evening.
The maximum temperature was 85.5 degrees at 1437.
The minimum temperature was 62.1 degrees at 0656.
The dew point temperatures ranged from a high of 63 degrees @ 1230 down to a low of 54 degrees @ 2115.
The relative humidity values ranged from a high of 84% @ 0645 down to a low of 44% @ 1435.
The barometric pressure ranged from a low of 29.77 inches @ 1420 up to a high of 29.97 inches @ 2325.
There was only a trace of precipitation from Thursday’s afternoon sprinkles so the monthly total is still 0.42 inches. The year-to-date total is 38.08 inches. We are really getting quite dry around here with only small chances for rain through the end of September (next Monday).
My current online data is showing regularly on Weather Underground. My data is posted there every 5 minutes. My ID is KMDROCKV200 and my station is called Gardens of Traville. Data is online, available in real-time as it is being updated on a 5 minute interval. The web address for my data on weather underground is: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KMDROCKV200
Unfortunately a recent development was found that is a discrepancy between my wxlink data and my VP2 display data. I noted this last Friday when the low temperature came in as 50.2 degrees as I saw it in real time on my VP2 display, but on other sources tied in with wxlink I had a low of 52.8. Other variables
also were a bit different. I don’t understand this discrepancy which I continue to notice in my records. I need to study close by VP2 stations in wunderground to see if I may be getting signal interference from another station all of a sudden. In a probably related development, I also continue to notice wind data for
my station in wxlink (and therefore also in my weather underground data) a few days ago and has continued (And I have no working anemometer connected to my station). In a further development from Thursday afternoon, Marty was over helping me out and noticed on his way home VP2 station equipment at the top of the new University of Shady Grove building across the street. We looked for it online but couldn’t find it, but it possibly is still transmitting its data that my station is picking up but not being published online yet. More updates to follow.
I contribute my precipitation data daily to CoCoRaHS as Rockville 2.8 WNW, Station ID MD-MG-115 and can be found on the web at https://www.cocorahs.org
Please remember that my Weather Underground precipitation data reflects what is recorded automatically through the tipping bucket VP2 gauge, just as it does on WxLink 2.0. The tipping bucket has been producing erratic values on most days (when I have had rain that is) so should not be used except for general precipitation timing.
I actually use the data I post to CoCoRaHS from my 4 inch CoCoRaHS gauge I read manually as my official precipitation total each day. I haven’t been able to do this very much this month unfortunately since precious little rain (only on two days all month) has fallen from the sky.
Wednesday was a relatively calm day with preparations going on for my busy Thursday. I watched some baseball in the late afternoon and had a turkey pastrami and cheese sandwich for a light dinner thereafter.
I had a busy Thursday. I was up very early for me, took a shower, had a nice breakfast of turkey sausage, mushrooms, eggs and cheese all microwaved together and placed on an everything toasted bagel, and got ready for a 0930 pickup from Marty. We arrived on time for my late morning consultation appointment at the Kaiser medical facility in Rockville with a new psychiatrist to go over my medication and get to meet her for the first time and for her to assess my current situation. Marty took me there and sat in on my consultation. I continue to have a house and fruit fly problem so we picked up some supplies at Home Depot to deal with that situation. We went to the Gaithersburg storage facility where I have a locker with old stuff in bins that I did not have the room for at the time of my move back in late 2016. We had some problems getting into the storage bin, as the locks were changed and working with the front office in getting new keys and also trying to find the locker, as we had not been there since moving the stuff in. The really good news for me was that my Canon digital SLR camera was in good shape, and I got to take it home along with a few other precious items in one bin. We took that home and Marty helped me install the variety of traps to fight off the bugs in my apartment. I relaxed a bit after, catching the late afternoon Nats game before going next door for the usual Thursday evening trivia session with a good group of my fellow residents. Later on I cooked up some Angus burgers on the foreman and heated up the leftover four cheese rice a roni for dinner, eating while watching the exciting Eagles 34-27 victory over the Packers on Thursday Night Football. A new, exciting development weather-wise has surfaced with a potential blizzard with several feet of snow possible out in the Montana and Wyoming Rocky Mountains the next few days. Despite our continued heat, winter is slowly coming on here, but quickly out west, where it is not that unusual to have a September snowstorm but is unusual to be this severe
Friday should be partly to mostly sunny with highs in the low 80s with lows in the mid 60s.
The weekend looks partly to mostly sunny and very warm with highs in the mid-upper 80s and lows in the mid 60s.
Not so sure about rain on Monday now, with a good bit of clouds as we close out this very dry September, highs in the upper 70s and lows around 60.
October will start on Tuesday with a brief hot spell with temps in the 80s then low 90s on Thursday before a sharp cooldown to more like fall on Friday and over the weekend. Still no real good possibilities for rain, but with the cooler fall weather at least it will be more pleasant and rain chances have to increase eventually.
On Midnight Thursday the temperature was 70.1 degrees, relative humidity 57%, pressure rising at 29.97 inches with the dew point temperature at 54 degrees.
Currently at 0939 Friday morning the temperature is 68.0 degrees under partly sunny skies, relative humidity at 71%, barometric pressure rising at 30.15 inches, and the dew point temperature at 58 degrees.
Good morning from the walrus on this sunny, pleasant Friday. Today’s featured image is from the entrance to my apartment building looking west towards the setting sun behind the trees just prior to my Thursday trivia game at just about 1900.