Tuesday was partly cloudy with similar temps to Monday with lows around 50 and highs in the mid 60s, reached at more normal times than yesterday. Moderate W breezes brought in drier air in the afternoon resulting in about a 10 degree max dew point temperature drop for the day compared to yesterday.
For the upcoming week, partly cloudy skies should predominate most days with highs in the upper 60s early to the low 70s by the weekend, with lows in the mid-upper 40s through Friday to the low 50s over the weekend. Looks like rain showers are possible on Monday.
Statistics for Tuesday:
High temp 65.6 at 1252
Low temp 49.9 at 0654
Max humidity 75% at 0708
Min humidity 43% at 1253
Max dew point 46 at 1823
Min dew point 35 at 2353
Max baro pressure 30.21″ at 2353
Low baro pressure 30.07″ at 0051
Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 26 MPH from the W at 1240
Today’s average daily wind speed 7.1 (BWI) NA (IAD)
Today’s average sky cover 0.7 (BWI) NA (IAD)
Monthly May total precipitation 0.90″
Year-to-date total precipitation 11.80″
Sunrise 0558 (EDT)
Sunset 2012 (EDT)
New Moon
Currently at 0737 PM EDT Wednesday mostly cloudy skies with the temperature at 47.3, barometer 30.29″ and rising, relative humidity 60% , dew point 34 , winds W-NW at less than 5 MPH. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image is one taken around sunset Sunday evening looking south from the rain gauge through the variably cloudy skies at the time showing a green, full leaf-out landscape