Thursday was mostly cloudy but not quite as warm as Wednesday with lows in the mid 60s and highs in the low 80s, reached by mid-afternoon. Occasional light rain showers sprinkled down during the morning and late evening. Fairly strong NW winds developed as the advancing cold front started to push through.
Breezy and cooler Friday with highs in the 60s. Partly sunny conditions both on Friday and Saturday with winds lessening on Saturday with highs in the 60s, lows in the low-mid 40s.
On Monday partly cloudy with warmth returning, highs in the low-mid 80s and lows around 60. Showers and storms on Tuesday and Wednesday, still warm, with highs around 80. Lows should hold mostly in the 50s to lower 60s.
Statistics for Thursday:
High temp 81.6 at 1450
Low temp 66.2 at 0622
Max humidity 93% at 0701
Min humidity 55% at 2206
Max dew point 68 at 1028
Min dew point 60 at 2149
Max baro pressure 29.85″ at 0115
Low baro pressure 29.53″ at 2243
Peak Wind Gust (PWG) 37 MPH from the NW at 1841
Today’s average daily wind speed 8.1 (BWI) 7.0 (IAD)
Today’s average sky cover 0.9 (BWI) 0.9 (IAD)
Total daily precipitation 0.03″
Revised Monthly total precipitation is now 2.06″
Sunrise 0612 (EDT)
Sunset 2000 (EDT)
Moon Waning Gibbous
Currently at 0225 AM EDT Friday cloudy skies with the temperature at 65., barometer 29.61″ and rising, relative humidity 81% , dew point 59 , winds W to NW at 15-20 MPH. No rain has fallen since midnight into the tipping bucket VP2 gauge at the USG site across the street from me.
Today’s feature image is one taken Tuesday evening around sunset about 2000, looking west past my rain gauge. Full leaf out is just about here, especially helped out by our current warm spell.