February 2019 Climate summary, statistics, and datasheet for West Rockville Maryland

February 2019 Climate summary, statistics, and datasheet for West Rockville Maryland


by Kevin Shaw, Observer

February 2019 was milder and a bit wetter than normal, based on new normals for my station developed out of the Oregon State Univ. PRISM program. My max temp (45.7°) was 0.9° above normal but my min temp (31.8°) was a much more significant 5.0° above normal, resulting in the mean temperature (38.7°) to be 2.9° above normal. My total precipitation of 3.44″ was 0.69″ above the newly computed normal precipitation February value for my station of 2.75”. Monthly total snowfall was 7.3”, bringing the seasonal total to 24.3”, probably about normal for this time of the winter. Snow normals are not computed by PRISM that I know of but I believe this February amount is about normal for the month.  

 There only one really cold day during the month (maximum on the 1st of 21.6° with the minimum the next morning on Ground Hog Day the coldest min for the month at 13°). Unlike the single digit mins of the last two days of January  at the beginning of this short cold spell there were no single digit mins recorded in February. .

There were 11 days with measurable precipitation, highlighted by the monthly maximums of 0.75″ on the 20th and 24th accompanied by my monthly lowest pressure reading of 29.47 on the 24th and the 5.5” of snow on the 20th as the max snowfall day of the month. The wettest storm period of the month was on the 10th-12th when a total of 1.27” was recorded. The highest barometric pressure reading of the month of 30.80” on the 9th occurred just the day before this storm started. This reading is now the highest of 2019, and highest since 30.83” was recorded last year back on February 13 ” There were no other notable precipitation days during the month with just a few widely spread out small amounts of rain and/or snow.  

The highest dew point temperature reached during the month was 53° on the 5th just 4 days after the lowest dew point temperature value was reached during the month with the only below zero reading of -2° recorded on February 1.  

February had 11 cloudy days, 14 partly cloudy days, and 3 clear/sunny days. There were 736 heating degree days and 0 cooling degree days during the month. There were 11 foggy days, 3 windy days, 3 days with glaze, 2 days with sleet, and 4 days with snowfall  during the month.  The windy day category is subjective with no personal real data values to back it, just based on my descriptive email daily weather posts that are posted on weathertogether.net.

Daily max/min temperatures varied a bit less than they did in January. My maximum temperature frequencies included 2 days between 60° and 69°, 9 days between 50° and 59°, 7 days between 40° and 49°, 9 days between 30° and 39°, and 1 day below 30°.  On the minimum temperature frequency side of things, there were 2 days between 10° and 19°, 8 days between 20° and 29°, 14 days between 30° and 39°, and 4 days between 40° and 49°. The coldest daily max temperature was 21.6° on the 1st while the warmest daily min temp of 46.8° was on the 15th.   

The diurnal range daily monthly average was 13.9° (- 4.1°). Our greatest daily range of temperature was 27.3° on the 4th, formed from a high of 58.8° and the low of 31.5°. We had a total of 7 days with daily ranges above 20.0°. Our lowest range of temperature was 2.6° (33.9°-31.3°) on the 12th during our biggest precipitation event of the month. There were a significantly above normal 12 total days with diurnal temperature ranges of less than 10.0° throughout the month. Many cloudy/rainy days held the daily variation to these low values and also the still low sun angle helped to suppress this month’s daily diurnal ranges.

Fortunately I’ve had no more problems with my VP2 weather station as I did early last year. I am constantly checking on my data quality frequently, along with discussion and data comparison with several of my Maryland weather cohorts and reliable online close-by observer data locations. I made considerable use of a snow stake placed in the ground just below and out from my balcony this winter that I read easily with the help of binoculars to help supplement my new snow and snow on the ground amounts when it is too dangerous to go out to my snowboard as often as I would like to. I continue to occasionally (as time allows) submit GLOBE Cloud observations, complete with submission of sky pictures at the time of the observation, usually timed with the passage of satellites and/or solar noon (about 70 minutes past actual EDT noon).  Please ask me any questions you want at any time about my station setup and/or my data through any means available to you.




Average high temperature                         45.7°  (+ 0.9°)

Average low temperature                           31.8° (+ 5.0°)

Mean temperature                                      38.7°  (+ 2..9°)

Precipitation                                                3.44″ (+0.69”)

Greatest daily amount (date)                       0.75″  (20,24)

Greatest storm total (dates)                       1.27”  (10-12)

2019 year-to-date precipitation total          7.36″  (+1.70”)

Snowfall                                                         7.3”

Greatest daily amount (date)                         5.5″     (20)

Greatest storm total (dates)                         5.5”     (20)

Seasonal snowfall total                                24.3″

High temperature for the month (date)      67.3°   (5)

Low temperature for the month  (date)      13.0°   (2)

Highest barometric pressure (date)           30.80”  (9)

Lowest barometric pressure (date)            29.47” (24)

Peak wind gust (date/direction):                 N/A

Heating degree days for the month:          736

Cooling degree days for the month:              0

Greatest diurnal range (date):                   27.3°  (4)

Least diurnal range (date)                          2.6° (11)

Number of days:

Fog                                      11                  

Windy                                  3

Snow                                    4

Sleet                                    2

Glaze                                   3   

Cloudy                                 11

Partly Cloudy                      14

Sunny/Clear                        3

Max temp ≥ 60°                   2

Max temp  =<  32°               1

Min temp  =<  32°               15

Precip ≥  0.01”                     11


Excel spreadsheet data form for my station for February 2019


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