A partly cloudy, dry, milder update for West Rockville Maryland for Tuesday November 21 2017
Tuesday was partly cloudy, warmer, and dry. Temperatures started out in the mid 30s and rose during the day to the upper 50s in the mid-afternoon. Dew points rose from the 20s early to the mid 40s later in the afternoon and evening. At 0548 we have cloudy skies with temperatures in the low 50s. The Tuesday minimum temperature from the VP2 (35.5°) was recorded at 0655 while the maximum temperature (58.3°) was recorded at 1456. Dew point temps ranged from 26° up to 46°. Relative humidity values rose a bit today (77% – 45%). Barometric values lowered a bit, ranging from a high of 30.19″ at 0000 down to 30.01″ at 2352.
Remember now you can get the VP2 data on Weatherlink. You can access the data through http://www.weatherlink.com/user/walrusman444. I am also now on weather underground. My ID is KMDROCKV200 and my station is called “Gardens of Traville.” Data is online, normally just about in real-time.
I got up in the early afternoon for our apartment complex’ annual thanksgiving dinner in Building D just up the hill. I met up with my friends Bob and Bonnie for dinner, filled with people and plenty of traditional Thanksgiving Day fare. I also spoke with Ray later on about cocorahs issues and football.
We are cloudy early this morning with temps now dropping into the upper 40s. Rain showers have been just to my east over the Eastern Shore and around the Bay, and are moving E and NE and away so we should not get any here. Wednesday should be a bit cooler under partly sunny skies, with highs in the lower 50s and lows in the upper 20s. Thanksgiving Day Thursday should find us mostly sunny with scattered clouds at times with highs in the mid 40s, lows around 30°. Black Friday should be sunny with highs in the lower 50s and lows in the mid 30s. Saturday should be mostly sunny and milder, with highs in the upper-mid 50s and lows in the upper-mid 30s. Partly cloudy and cooler on Sunday, with highs in the mid 40s and lows around 30°
On the Channel 4 weather website at 0548 their radar is showing the showers over the Eastern Shore and NE MD heading NE away from the area. Lots more rain over coastal NJ and esp coastal NC, where a large area of moderate to heavy rain appears to be falling, moving NNE. Also out in the mountains to my NW over parts of PA, WV, OH and western NY are areas of snow showers and flurries at this time. Busy radar action this morning!
As of 0548, the data from the VP2 (coming from the ground radiation shield about 4 feet off the ground just under and out from the balcony) and the Lakewood WXBug station are as follows :
Station Relative Location Temp RH DP BP Wind High/Low temp today
VP2 Ground 50.2 82 45 29.95S NA 58.3/35.5
There was no precipitation in my cocorahs gauge on Tuesday through midnight. The VP2 tipping bucket rain gauge under my balcony also did not record any precipitation through midnight obs on Tuesday.
November precipitation is 2.09″.
Year-to-date precipitation total is now 38.50″
WX Bug Lakewood 4500 ft, 50 78 44 29.94S SW 1 G WNW 8
140° from station 60/34
The Lakewood rain gauge recorded no rain through midnight on Tuesday. The monthly precipitation total is 2.22″ partially based on data from the Weatherbug 10 app on my phone with some of the earlier in the month values shown estimated from radar.
Temp from the VP2 at 2400 was 52.4 RH 78% BP 30.01F DP 45.7. Cloudy but dry at midnight.
Good morning from the cloudy, mild, dry Walrus early on this Thanksgiving Eve Wednesday.